Restaurants Richardson, TX

Wizard's Sports Cafe

Richardson, TX , TX 75080
(972) 235-0371
(972) 235-0471


Wizards is one of the leading sports bars in the Dallas area, featuring billiards, live entertainment, great food, and a fun atmosphere. Whether you’re just kicking back to watch your favorite sports team or want to throw a high-energy party, we have the facilities and the people to make it happen. Our skyboxes are the perfect solution to your party planning needs. Accommodating up to 25 people per room, you have access to our party menu, a billiards table and dart board and your own personal waitress. Planning a big event? The doors open between the skyboxes to create one giant party room! Our waitresses are beautiful and attentive, ready to take care of your every need. You can even control our state-of-the-art Touchtunes jukebox with your smartphone!! Thanks for checking us out! We hope to see you at our spot soon!

Wizard's Sports Cafe can be found at Richardson, TX in . The following is offered: Restaurants, Bars & Pubs, Restaurants: American - In Richardson, TX there are 109 other Restaurants. An overview can be found here.


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Restaurants, Bars & Pubs, Restaurants: American
(972)235-0371 (972)-235-0371 +19722350371